# Commercetools sunrise products

You can run the following command to populate your Commercetools instance with products either generated at random or by using the OpenAI API1:

rocket commercetools sunrise products

# Preliminary questions

Before the sunrise command begins generating products, it will ask you:

  • if you would like to provide an OpenAI API key (if you don't have an API key, it will use the faker library)
  • how many products you wish to create
  • which product types your newly created products should belong to
  • how many variants each product should have

# Product features

The generated products will use the following Commercetools features as best as they can be randomly generated:

  • product type (chosen randomly from your previous selection)
  • category (chosen at random)
  • description
  • master variant and n variants, each with:
    • price
    • SKU
    • images, generated by seeding a random Flickr API2 with the product's category
    • inventory
    • attributes (see below)

# Attributes

Currently, the following attribute types can be randomly generated by the sunrise command:

The attribute type reference will currently be filled if the referenced object is a product, category, or product-type. Otherwise, the attribute will be left empty.

# Scopes

You need the following Commercetools OAuth 2.0 scopes to run this command:


  1. Rocket might ask you to provide the credentials to connect to Commercetools.

  2. LoremFlickr will only return images with a Creative Commons license. The specific license is indicated in the top left corner of the image.