Commitlint with Husky
Commitlint is a tool that enforces consistent and meaningful commit message conventions in your Git repositories. It ensures that commit messages follow a predefined convention, such as the commitlint-config-conventional (based on the Angular convention).
Commitlint, in conjunction with Husky, automates the process of commit message validation. Every commit message is automatically linted before the commit is executed
Husky: A "commit-msg" hook is established using Husky, triggering commitlint's checks before every commit.
commitlint: commitlint checks if your commit messages meet the conventional commit format.
Commit Message Format
Commit messages typically follow this pattern:
type(scope?): subject #scope is optional; multiple scopes are supported (current delimiter options: "/", "\" and ",")
body? #body is optional
footer? #footer is optional
A scope provides additional context. For Example:
feat(parser): add ability to parse arrays
The subject should offer a brief description of the change and adhere to these rules:
- Use the imperative and present tense: "change," not "changed" or "changes"
- Do not capitalize the first letter
- Do not include a dot (.) at the end
In the same way as the subject, use the imperative and present tense, such as "change," not "changed" or "changes." The body should provide the reason for the change and compare it to the previous behavior.
In the footer, provide information about any significant changes and mention GitHub issues closed by this commit.
For Breaking Changes, start with "BREAKING CHANGE:" followed by a space or two newlines, and then use the rest of the commit message to explain these alterations.
For further configuration options, refer to the commitlint configuration guide