# Cheat Sheet Rocket commands


# Usage

In development: yarn dev [command]
In production: rocket [command]

# Basics

# Display help
-h, --help
# Output version number
-v, --version

# Ignite

# Start project setup accelerator

# Launchpad

# Create a default .gitignore file
launchpad gitignore
# Add prettier dependency, prettier script and create default config files
launchpad prettier
# Add eslint depencencies, eslint script and create default config files
launchpad eslint
# Add husky + commitlint dependencies, scripts and config files
launchpad husky
# Install Hush! (and push .env file)
launchpad hush
# Run all launchpad tools
launchpad all

# Contentful

# Initiate complete contentful setup
contentful add
# Export all entries from a contentful environment
contentful import
# Import entries to a contentful environment
contentful export
# Run custom contentful migrations
contentful migrate

# Commercetools

# Initiate complete commercetools setup
commercetools add
# Create a catch-all product type
commercetools product-type-catch-all
# Create api clients
commercetools clients
# Install commercetools dependencies and creates apiroot files
commercetools apiroots
# Add randomly generated categories
commercetools sunrise categories
# Add randomly generated products
commercetools sunrise products


# Deploy a stack to AWS via CDK
aws deploy
# Destroy a previously created stack.
aws destroy
# Deploy read API and me API proxies for commercetools to AWS
aws proxy deploy
# Import product types into commercetools (S3 + Lambda)
aws ctp-product-importer deploy
# Deploy the AWS stack for the product importer
aws ctp-product-types-importer deploy