# Getting started

# Introduction

To be able to use rocket in your projects, you must install the rocket package globally. To install rocket you need access to the repository of rocket. After you have installed the package, you can use commands like rocket ignite or rocket launchpad to use the functions of rocket.

# Get Access

# Access to the repository

To get access to the CLI tool you need access to the Rocket GitHub Repository - You can check whether or not you have access here: Rocket Repository Access
If you don't have access to the repository yet, please apply for it at the Funkeys++.

# Github Access Token

To get access to private packages via NPM Manager we need to create a Github Access Token.

# Step 1: Open Github/Developer Settings

Visit the Developer Settings page on Github.

# Step 2: Create a Token

Create a new personal access token (classic) by clicking on Generate new token (classic).

Github Access Token

# Step 3: Add permissions

Select the repo and read:packages permissions:

Github Access Token Permissions

# Step 4: Copy the token

Copy the token and save it somewhere safe. You will need it in the next step.

Github Access Token Copy

# Step 5: Add the token to your .npmrc

Add the token to the .npmrc file, which should be located at C:\Users\<user> on Windows and ~/.npmrc on Mac/Linux.

Github Access Token NPMRC


Now the access to the core packages should work.

# Install the rocket package

Now we need to install the rocket package.
You can use one of the following commands to install the package globally.

 npm install -g @kernpunkt/rocket
yarn global add @kernpunkt/rocket